We offer a range of treatments for a variety of conditions. Our services can be found on the right.


  • Holistic Massage to encourage relaxation
  • Swedish Massage more vigorous to stimulate
  • A deep massage for stiff, tense and sore muscles
  • Sports Injury massage for those problem areas that seem like they will never go away
  • Pregnancy Massage to relax and relieve the tiredness and heaviness associated with pregnancy
  • Shiatsu (Japanese massage therapy) this treatment is futon based, works on the acupuncture meridian lines of the body, fully clothed and without oils


This is a healing treatment where the earth’s energies are channelled through the hands to balance the energy of the body and encourage healing and promote good health.


This is a treatment which is usually done on the feet, but can be done on the hands. It is believed that all of the organs and systems of the body are reflected in the feet. Hence working on the feet stimulates all of the organs of the body to balance naturally. This promotes general well being and good health.

Sports Injury

I offer sports imjury treatment using specialised techniques to release tension in muscles following a specific injury or very localised tension or muscle spasm/strain. This helps athletics and fitness enthusiasts get back to full strength and fitness.

Accredited by Laya Healthcare (Ireland), VIVAS Health and VHI Healthcare for Reflexology.



It has been estimated that stress is the cause of 75% of all disease.

Short-term stress is good for our bodies as it is a response to perceived danger, i.e. it helps us cross the road faster when we see an oncoming car. However, long term stress or continuous stress where our bodies remain in a continuous state of alert will have physical effects on the systems of our bodies.

The physical effects of stress include:

  • Butterflies in the stomach
  • Racing Heart
  • Palpitations
  • Diarrhoea
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Trembling
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating

The medium term constant stress can cause:

  • Depression Chest Pains
  • Allergies
  • Persistent Insomnia
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Migraines
  • Depression
  • Ulcers
  • Asthma
  • Infections

In the long term constant stress can cause:

  • Heart Disease
  • Strokes
  • Cancer
  • Angina

How to Manage Stress

We can manage stress by learning to respond in healthier ways and using relaxation techniques such as walking, visiting or talking to friends. We can also use specific techniques such as deep breathing, mediation, Reflexology, Reiki and Massage.

Massage and reflexology can help the body by inducing deep relaxation. They can also help to remove the pent up tension of the stress response without damaging the body. They can also help to induce sleep.

Our Services

  • Reflexology
  • Reiki Treatment
  • Hot Stone Massage
  • Pregnancy Massage
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Sports Injury Treatment
  • Japanese Massage


"If you are looking for a tried and trusted therapist I would highly recommend Maria, her friendly approach and skills has seen many of my friends also...."

Avril Keane

Contact Us

To get in touch or make an appointment contact us using the details below

Phone 086 805 5864
email mariab@soultosole.ie
web www.soultosole.ie

© 2025 soultosole |  Wesbite by aztecdesign.ie
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